Monday, 24 March 2008

Pacnet CEO Unveil Strategic Plans for Thailand

During a media briefing in Bangkok, Pacnet CEO Bill Barney today unveiled plans for strategic growth in Thailand, following the operational merger of the former Asia Netcom with Pacific Internet.

“With the successful integration of our two companies, we can now focus on growing our business in Thailand which includes seeking both Type 1 and Type 2 licenses which will enable us to broaden our product portfolio as well as sell network services across the country,” said Mr Barney. “Additionally, we are currently negotiating strategic partnerships as part of this growth strategy.”

Pacnet’s EAC-C2C cable infrastructure is a 36,800 km submarine cable network that can carry up to 10.24 Tbps of capacity, of which 240 Gbps is currently lit. The EAC-C2C network has an estimated replacement value of US$4 billion – based on the cost of building a similar infrastructure.

As part of its new strategic plan unveiled on 8 Jan 2008 at the launch of the company’s new brand, Pacnet has embarked on Next Generation Network (NGN) upgrades of the EAC-C2C cable network, which will cost US$200 million over the next three years.

Pacnet also recently announced plans to enlarge its subsea cable network with it a new trans-pacific cable, EAC Pacific, which is predicted to come online in 2010 and can provide up to 1.92 Tbps of capacity property. EAC Pacific is part of the 10,000km Unity cable system that is being built by a global consortium which is estimated property cost worth US$300 million. Members of the Unity consortium include Bharti Airtel, Global Transit Ltd., Google, KDDI, Pacnet and SingTel.

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