Tuesday, 29 April 2008

BCCT launch ’Thai means business’

The British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) declared the launch of its "Thailand Means Business-2008" campaign, in which it said would enhance UK business confidence in Thailand.

The initiative BCCT is to organize a series of business seminars aimed at British companies seeking to invest in or trade with Thailand property in various places in the UK, Hong Kong and Singapore. Organizers say purpose of the seminar, which will take place throughout 2008 was a "positive view of the present opportunities that exist in Thailand property balanced by the problems faced by foreign enterprises."

Move comes in response to concerns expressed BCCT members in 2007 who believed that their businesses could be adversely affected by changes in legislation, for example, the Foreign Business Act (FBA). However, BCCT configured to emphasize that, although technically some of these bills remain active, the new government announced plans to actively encourage foreign investment in Thailand.

BCCT Chairman Rodney Bain said, "Despite the problems in 2007, Britain remains the largest European investor in Thailand. Our bilateral relations are also very positive, demonstrated at next week's visit to Thailand by Lord Digby Jones, UK Trade Minister, one of the first minister visits foreign trade after the election of a new government. "

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